BizFirst is cloud-based database application development platform, that consist of four high level components:
1. A Hosting Platform:
BizFirst Hosting platform is a customised environment which
facilitates runtime for Apps. This platform provisions storage space, database space, database
and file servers, backup, and web space. It also provides basic cloud services such as metering,
usage tracking, logging, cache management and activity monitoring etc. All your Apps can run on
one platform. Apart from this, we also possess the ability to create custom-platforms for clients
who opt for dedicated servers or on premise implementation.
2. Development Toolset/Studios
There are many different tools including;
Web Designer - Beautify Your Apps
Another mighty tool, which allows you to do custom styling and branding
in your web applications. If you find the pre-defined library of skins and brands we offer
in App First not fitting to your needs, here you have the option to create custom skins
and brands. Remember, web designing is an art!!!
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3. Foundation Components:
the major foundation components you may find are people,documents, and security.
Contacts First - Contacts and Organizations
People are the fundamental component of any business or business
processes. Contacts First can handle people / contacts in a single role or multitude of
roles (eg: as a user, customer, employee etc). Contacts First puts forth all basic building
blocks for all people-related functions in your app.
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Docu First - Manage Documents
Like people, documents also form part of vital assets in business processes.
Docu First provides you all the basic building blocks for document-related functions in
your app. Just reuse the Data, UI, or Rule components and customize.
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Secure First - Manage App Security
Last, but next to none, Apps need security. Enterprise Applications need
Enterprise Level Security. Secure First is a flexible and strong security framework, which
is integrated to all our Studios.
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4. Apps
An application that is developed on BizFirst is hosted and managed by the platform. You will be able to download the source code of your app. You may also be able to list your App in market place and sell them free or for a price.